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Yellowstone NP, WY

Melissa Dobson

We had originally scratched Yellowstone off of our list because to get into West Yellowstone it was a 4 hour wait and you weren’t guaranteed to get in. We talked to the lady at the campground and she said that if we were going to the Tetons that we could keep driving and end up in Yellowstone. This was awesome news to us!

We packed a bunch of snacks and lunch and make a day of it. A VERY long day. Jackson was patient with us for the most part until around 7pm, LOL. There was a ton of traffic in the park, and all we wanted to see was Old Faithful. We struggled to find a parking space but after driving around for a bit, we scored one up front. We walked to the geyser that had gone off a few minutes before we parked.

We walked around and then visited the visitor center and saw the sign that the next predicted eruption would be in an hour. We didn’t have that long to wait so we decided that we would go see the grand prismatic geyser. We parked on the street again and hiked it to the start of the trail. Then come to find out we didn’t take the right trail to get the best view, we took the trail that went along side it, but it sure was a sight to see!

We left that area around 4:30pm. We made one quick stop at Jackson Lake to get one last picture and then headed home. We didn’t get back to the RV until 8 o’clock! Such a long day, but it was worth it for sure. I can’t wait to see all of Yellowstone someday. The park is so big, you would need multiple days if you are doing any hikes. Although, again, I would definitely opt for going in the early spring or late fall.

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