It was a beautiful and VERY hot day at the Hoover Dam. Upon arriving everyone has to have their vehicle searched by agents before they can be allowed into the dam area. We had 2 sets of tickets for the dam and power-plant tours because Jackson was not old enough to do the dam tour where they take you into the tunnels behind and below the dam. So Kyle, Faith and I went on the dam tour and Melissa, Hope and Jackson went on the power-plant tour. The guide was super nice and allowed Melissa, Hope and Jackson to join on on the main tour and then Kyle, Faith and I would split off once we hit the dam tour portion.
Once of the generators was broken while we were there and the picture you see below of the magnetic coil was being repaired. Those magnetic coils weigh in the neighborhood of 300 tons and because their cranes can only life about 150 tons they have to use two cranes to lift one magnetic coil out of its housing. The tunnels below were warm but the shafts are well ventilated and there is a slight breeze at all times.
We learned a lot about the Hoover Dam and it is definitely one of those bucket list items you just have to see in your lifetime. It was a spectacular engineering feat and one to be marveled for years to come!