We had a wonderful time at Skidaway Island State Park in Savannah, Georgia. We had a pull through site that looked out into the woods. It was very peaceful for sure. While in Savannah, we had to do the top things that were suggested: the cemetery, the trolley to see downtown, the fort. There were other things that we just didn't do like going to see Tybee Island, or the lighthouse.
The cemetery was neat, parking was a bit of a pain since you drive into the grounds through the narrow gates from early years. Clearly not made for big trucks, but we got through okay. The kids really enjoyed the walk around and there was even a guided tour there, that let us stay at one of the sites so we could hear the story. Every one was really nice here as well.
The fort was awesome, as are most forts, but here we got to see cannons fired, the kids got their first junior ranger badges and really learned a lot about the history. I love visiting places like this for two main reasons, it gets the girls talking to people and coming out of their shells and when we get home I can find out what Kyle really learned and how much he retained. When we get home and it's time for school work, we skip the history book and I make him write a paper on what he learned. He enjoys writing, so it really works out to our advantage :-)
We definitely lucked out with the trolley, but I wish we only bought one day tickets instead of two day. We only went the second day because we didn't want to lose the day! We saw the Forsyth Park Fountain, the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, went to city park, ate at a great burger place, stopped at Leopold's Ice Cream and even went to a British store and got some goodies. The bad part was getting back on the trolley at the end of the day, since each one was full and we have to sit 5 people!