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Stephen C Foster State Park

Kevin Dobson

This park in Georgia is a dark sky certified park. That means that it gets super dark outside because there are no lights to interfere with looking at the stars. That also means that you are out in the boonies. 18 miles down a dead end road that gets locked at night so you can't get in or out. The park staff live on site. The nearest grocery store is 50 miles, the nearest gas is 55 and the closest hospital is about 60 miles!

The park is really pretty. Every place you go you see wildlife. Take short walks, there are gators everywhere and we went in June, so it was mating season! The turtles move fast here, as well as the deer. There is a multitude of turkeys, hawks and other birds. Make sure you take time to do a swamp tour. It was really neat and our tour guide stopped to let us get great pictures of the wildlife.

Our site was big, we got the biggest one there and thank goodness the park was empty because most of the ones that said they were long enough, we too tight of a turn for our length. In fact, for us to leave, Kevin had to back out of the pull through site! We had deer visit our site the day we arrived. The kids loved it.

Kevin and I decided to go for a walk one day. There was a tiny alligator and Kevin went closer to get a picture and a deep growl came from the bushes behind us. We pretty much booked it out of there. I was walking backwards as Kevin was walking forwards so we could see all around us. We didn't take anymore walks after that!

There were a ton of bugs, big bugs! We stayed 3 days, no cell service, no internet, no neighbors. There was one camp host and we don't even think they were there since all of their slides were in. It was 97 outside and 87 inside the RV. It was HOT! We didn't hate it, but it's not one of our favorites.

We were supposed to celebrate Faith's birthday the day we arrived, but she came down with a cold. So, we froze her cake and waited. Unfortunately, she was running a fever the day we left too.

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