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It's Been A While Again!

Melissa Dobson

Updated: Dec 17, 2021

Things have been so busy here on the ranch, it's so hard to keep up with everything else! The kids have been thrilled because they have had the last month and a half off of school for the busy season here. Well, it's almost over and we will be getting back to a new normal. Ha! Who am I kidding ... a new normal?

There are a few changes going on around here and we can only roll with the flow. Starting back up with school, settling in for winter, dealing with freezing pipes again this year, going back and forth to Florida a few times since we are expecting our first grand-baby! That sounds really weird still, mainly because we don't feel old enough yet, LOL. But, it's going to be great! We are excited and planning our bigger trip to Florida in May.

Since we are slowing down soon, we plan to start going out and hiking and finding new things again! I can't wait to share them all with you guys! My goal is to do a new hike each week, weather permitting our days off of course. I hope you all follow along and let us start showing you the world again! It feels SO good to be back!

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